Ros Stephen

Violin Junior: Lesson Book 2

A Creative Violin Method for Children

R. Stephen: Violin Junior: Lesson Book 2, Viol (+Onl) (0)R. Stephen: Violin Junior: Lesson Book 2, Viol (+Onl) (1)R. Stephen: Violin Junior: Lesson Book 2, Viol (+Onl) (2)R. Stephen: Violin Junior: Lesson Book 2, Viol (+Onl) (3)R. Stephen: Violin Junior: Lesson Book 2, Viol (+Onl) (4)

05 Suo-Gân (High 2nd Finger)

06 Suo-Gân (High 2nd Finger) (Play-Along)

07 Suo-Gân (Low 2nd Finger)

08 Suo-Gân (Low 2nd Finger) (Play-Along)

Type de produit:
Méthode (avec partition), médias en ligne
№ d’article:
Auteur / Compositeur:
très facile
Dimensions :
84 pages; 23 × 30 cm
Date de parution:
Éditions / Producteur:
№ de fabricant:
ED 23102


Violin Junior … is a fun and creative violin method for children from the age of 5 years upwards. The repertoire covers a wide range of styles from classical music to folk, world and popular music. Join Fiocco the Frog in this new approach and find out just how much fun playing the violin can be! Lesson Books include many duets for two students to play together as well as imaginative technical, aural, rhythm and improvisation exercises. Piano and Violin Accompaniments are available for the Lesson Books. Theory Books cover fun games and creative exercises on music reading, music writing, aural training, composition and music theory.

Concert Books provide additional repertoire and enjoyable concert pieces. Audio tracks (full version and play-along mp3s) are available for the Lesson Books, Theory Books and Concert Books. Tutorial videos are also available with technical and musical advice on many of the pieces and exercises in the Lesson Books. Additional online materials round off the method. The series will be continued (5 levels). Please visit


  • Handshape 1: High 2nd Finger
  • Handshape 2: Low 2nd Finger
  • Low 2nd-Finger C
  • Low 2nd-Finger G
  • Low 2nd-Finger F
  • Low 2nd-Finger Bb
  • Improvisation Time
  • Playing High and Low 2nd-Finger Notes
  • G Major
  • D Major
  • Sharp Accidental
  • Natural Accidental
  • Dotted Rhythms
  • Write Your Own Variation
  • E Natural Minor
  • Compose Your Own Lullaby
  • 16th Notes / Semiquavers
  • Staccato Articulation
  • Double Up-Bow Strokes
  • Hooked Bow Strokes
  • 6/8 Time Signature
  • Hooked Bow Strokes in 6/8 Time
  • Handshape 3: High 3rd Finger
  • High 3rd-Finger G#
  • Improvisation Time
  • High 3rd-Finger C #
  • Syncopated Rhythms
  • Playing High and Low 3rd-Finger Notes
  • A Major
  • Swing Rhythm
  • The Blues
  • Blues Improvisation
  • Appendix: Scales and Arpeggios
  • Glossary

Ressources sur la sécurité et les produits


Schott Music GmbH & Co. KG, Weihergarten 5, 55116 Mainz, DE,

15,00  €
Prêt à être expédié. Délai de livraison : 2–5 jours ouvrables (France)
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Articles associés

R. Stephen: Violin Junior: Theory Book 2, Viol (+OnlAu)

Whole- and Half-Step Song (D major)

Ros Stephen

Violin Junior: Theory Book 2

A Creative Violin Method for Children

pour: Violon

Méthode (avec partition), audio en ligne

№ d’article: 1641757

14,00  €TVA comprise, plus frais d'expédition
Prêt à être expédié. Délai de livraison : 2–5 jours ouvrables (fr)
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