The world-famous suite The Carnival of the Animals (Le Carnaval des animaux) by Camille Saint-Saëns from 1886 is now available in a version for organ for four hands and feet. This work, which was originally composed for chamber orchestra, can be performed to great effect using the organ's diverse sound possibilities, and the editions also contain information and suggestions for registrations.
This transcription can be the highlight of an organ concert and is an outstanding program item for family concerts. The transcription by Alexander Daerr was premiered by Edgar Krapp and Gewandhaus organist Michael Schoenheit under the moderation of Herbert Feuerstein on November 1, 2008 during the “Organ Night” on the occasion of the inauguration of the restored and expanded organ in the Gewandhaus in Leipzig, where it has been a regular part of the program ever since. This organ version is also becoming increasingly popular internationally, including in radio and CD productions.
The sheet music edition is divided into booklet 1 and booklet 2, the PDF edition contains all works in one file. All editions are offered as a set of 2 booklets or 2 printout licenses for two organists (Primo and Secondo).
Introduction and Royal March of the Lion /Introduction et marche royale du Lion
Hens and roosters / Poules et coqs
Mules (Fast animals) / Hémiones (Animaux veloces)
Turtles / Tortues
The elephant / L’Elephant
Kangaroos / Kangourous
Creatures with long ears / Personnages à longues oreilles
The cuckoo in the depths of the woods / Le coucou au fond des bois
Ressources sur la sécurité et les produits
musicantum Edition, Bergstraße 13, 08147 Crinitzberg, DE,