- Suspended Time (2011)
- Gracemir (2018)
- NadiMarc (2022)
- Chant de séperation (2015) (Parting Song)
- Les Saisons de la Vie (2013) (Seasons of Life)
- Habanera (2022)
- Siciliana (2021)
- Tristesse (2019) (Longing)
- Mélodie Imaginaire de Fauré (2019) (An Imaginary Song by Fauré)
- L’âme Schubertienne (2010) (Vision onirique de son ultime andante pour piano) Schubertian Soul (A Daydreamed Vision of Schubert’s Ultimate Andante for Piano)
- Improvisation en rêvant de Ravel (2017) (An Improvisation while dreaming of Ravel)
- Slavic Ode (2022)
- Aveu de cœur (2018) (Heartfelt Confession)
- Profond (2020) (Intense)
- Aubade (2013) (Early Dawn)
- La Pénombre Ardente (2014) (The Fervent Dusk)
- Barcarolle (2019)
- Mazurka (2014)
- Caresse Souriante (2021) (Smiling Caress)
- La Cathédrale en pleurs (2019) (Cathedral in Tears)
- Le Parfum de l’âme (2013) (The Perfume of the Soul)
- Caresse souriante (2021) (Smiling Caress)
- Parisian Waltz (2023)