An die Musik

arranged for Alto Flute and Piano

An die Musik, AltflKlav (KlavpaSt) (0)An die Musik, AltflKlav (KlavpaSt) (1)An die Musik, AltflKlav (KlavpaSt) (2)
Flûte alto, piano
Type de produit:
Partition musicale piano, partition seule (recueil)
№ d’article:
Dimensions :
44 pages
Éditions / Producteur:
№ de fabricant:
AC 2402


A collection of some of the most beautiful songs by German romantic composers arranged for alto flute and piano. Includes much-loved favourites by the great lieder composers Schubert and Schumann, as well as less well-known gems by Richard Strauss, Hugo Wolf, Alban Berg, Clara Schumann and Fanny Mendelssohn. Ideal short concert pieces. These emotionally-charged pieces are perfectly suited to the dark and mellow sound of the alto flute and give scope to players of all standards to explore depths of expression and interpretation.


  • Fanny Mendlessohn: Bergeslust
  • Schubert: Ständchen
  • Clara Schumann: Ich stand in dunklen Träumen
  • Schubert: An die Musik
  • Schumann: Er, der Herrlichste von allen
  • Wolf: Verborgenheit
  • Berg: Die Nachtigall
  • Richard Strauss: Morgen!
  • Schubert: Auf dem Wasser zu singen
  • Richard Strauss: Zueignung
24,90  €
Prêt à être expédié. Délai de livraison : 2–5 jours ouvrables (France)
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